
St. Margaret's (CE) Junior School in Wolstanton has become the first school in the North Staffordshire area to become a Rotakids School.
“As a Rotakid,
I endeavour to be fair to all,
to serve my community
and to show respect for others”
Mrs. Arundel commented that this pledge complemented the whole philosophy of the school and was a goal all the children could aspire to and attain.
The young people already have ideas of what they want to do. Amongst those mentioned were: a wish to support Mary’s Meals, Dougie Mac Hospice and to have fund raising events to help local children less fortunate than themselves.
In addition they have raised funds for Animal welfare arising from the bush fires in Australia.
The Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent is privileged to be working with these young people to help them grow into responsible citizens as they are citizens of today and not citizens in waiting … they are our future.

On Thursday 19th June 2020 the Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent met on Microsoft Teams with representatives of the St. Margaret's Junior School Rotakids together with some of their staff to present a Presidential Citation to the St. Margaret's Rotakids. This recognises the valuable work that St. Margaret's Rotakids does and for excelling across the board. The Rotakids President, Carson in Year 6, commented "It's great knowing you're part of something bigger than just yourself". Evie of Year 4 said: "I love being in Rotakids I want the world to be a better place." The District Governor, Brian Reilly, congratulated the Rotakids of St. Margaret's saying that this was an exceptional award and only a few were made each year across the country.


RotaKids - Nomination for 2019/20 RIBI Presidential Citation
St. Margaret’s C.E. Junior School, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire
Name of RotaKids Club: St. Margaret’s C.E. Junior School
Sponsoring Rotary club: The Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent
District number: D1210
Required Activities (minimum 3 required):
Meet at least six times per school year.
Participate in at least one activity that promotes international understanding.
Participate in a school or community fundraiser or project.
Take part in a discussion group or write an essay which demonstrates understanding of the RotaKids pledge.
RotaKids members take part in a RIBI youth activity such as Young Writer or Young Photographer or another achievement within your school or community.
Participate in a fundraiser or campaign to raise awareness to support polio eradication.
RotaKids make a presentation demonstrating what they have undertaken.
Participate in at least one activity which demonstrates looking after the environment, e.g. clearing rubbish from a beach/area of ground, planting trees, etc.
Details of the St. Margaret’s Club and Activities completed
The Rotary Club of Stoke on Trent sponsors the RotaKids club at St. Margaret’s C.E. Junior School, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. The club was set up in 2016 and received its Charter as a RotaKids Club in 2016.
St. Margaret’s is a Church of England Junior school for Years 3 to 6 (ages 7 to 11) with about 240 pupils over 8 classes. The school elects a RotaKids club committee each year comprising of 2 pupils from each of the 8 classes. The committee appoints the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for the year.
At the beginning of each year, the committee, through discussion with their class members, decide on the projects they want to support and each year have chosen 3 projects across 3 themes:
A School or local project;
A Community project; and
An International project
The RotaKids club is supported in school by Mrs. Jane Arundel, the Deputy Head Teacher, who was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in 2017 for her work with RotaKids. She meets with the committee on a regular basis.
Activities in current year (since 1st July 2019)
The following are listed to meet the criteria required for a Presidential Citation. However, activities have obviously been curtailed due to the school closing in March as part of the Covid 19 restrictions.
The committee usually meets twice per term, i.e. 6 times per year, to discuss and monitor progress on the selected projects for the club. The 3 projects chosen for the current academic year, following the club’s 3 themes, are:
School or local project. To provide a defibrillator for the school and community.
Community project. Fundraising to support the Dougie Mac Hospice, Stoke on Trent.
International project. Investment in Lend with Care:
Committee meetings are attended by Mrs. Arundel and usually by at least one member of the Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent to give guidance and support.
The committee comes up with fund raising ideas which the whole school support and the money raised is allocated accordingly. So far they have been very successful in achieving their targets.
4. International understanding.
The club’s support and investment in Lend with Care has enabled the members to further their understanding of international issues
5.School or community fundraiser or project.
The club has supported 2 school / community projects, with associated fundraising, to provide a defibrillator for the school and community use and support the local Hospice.
6. Group discussions.
Part of the committee’s deliberations is a group discussion to decide on projects that will meet their aspirations and pledge as RotaKids members.
7. Presentations.
A committee presentation to the whole school and members of the sponsoring club would have taken place in the spring term, but has not been possible due to the school closure.
8. Environment.
The club has participated in local environmental projects previously, including a tidy up and clean of the local church yard.
One of the most impressive aspects of the RotaKids Club are the enthusiasm and commitment across the whole school and the way in which the school has embedded the RotaKids into the School's activities. The most recent SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and. Methodist Schools) Inspection report of the school commented:-
"The school’s charity work locally, nationally and internationally and its involvement in the local community is a key strength. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their involvement in ‘RotaKids’ and how this is giving them opportunities to help those in need."
The Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent strongly supports the award of a Presidential Citation for the RotaKids Club at St. Margaret’s C.E. Junior School.
Presentation of Paul Harris Rotary Award to Jane Arundel of St Margaret's Primary School.